RMHAM RouterOS 7 Progress Report

Willem A. Schreüder AC0KQ

8/1/2022: RouterOS 7.10.2

In preparation for the eventual migration of the entire network to RouterOS 7, I have been experimenting with RouterOS releases.

In the previous progress report I had concluded that RouterOS 7 was not yet ready for prime time. The current review suggests that RouterOS 7 has matured to the point that we can recommend its adoption. Some care is needed in upgrading, so remote upgrades are generally not advisable. However, in general the upgrade option is safe and as long as you have RoMON access to the device, you can fix the routing issues that may develop.

For these experiments I initially upgraded the RB750 and RB951 five port routers on the NetLab. This generally went well, although older routers with less memory seem to be slow in updating. No netboot was needed but in one a power cycle was required.

I then proceeded to update the router at my QTH, my office and Saddleback. These are all CCR1009 routers and the upgrade proceeded about as fast as a normal update of RouterOS.

I also experimented with upgrading some VPN attached devices such as the RB2011 in my trailer, that hAP Lite at KD0NFS and a mAP I use for remote access. These all proceeded smoothly except for operator induced mishaps.

Differences between an Upgrade and a Fresh Install

Upgrading the router is the path of least resistance, and is fairly clean. I therefore recommend that you upgrade your RouterOS 6 instance and not do a fresh install of RouterOS 7 unless it is a new device.

If instead of upgrading you reset the configuration and use an export to selectively restore the configuration, a number of things will break due to differences between RouterOS 6 and RouterOS 7, so you are better off just upgrading and letting RouterOS deal with these differences.

Of course, as we add new devices to the network and start with a fresh RouterOS 7 configuration, or if you are simply an intrepid soul like me and want to do the upgrade yourself to better understand what is going on, you will notice that there are a few differences between a freshly created configuration and an upgraded one.

The name of the OSPF Instance and OSPF Area is not critical, and a router with a different name can exchange data with another router where the instance and area have different names without any difficulty. However, for now I would recommend that you use the same names on a fresh install that the upgrade script will use for consistency's sake. You can change these names at any time and RouterOS will use that new name consistently, so you do not have to go and change it everywhere it is used.

The Router ID is of course critical as it is used in exchanges with other routers. In a new instance, RouterOS selects an IP from a Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface, which will likely be the IP address of the bridge. Since this interface will not drop when a cable is unplugged, it is a good choice. However, for sanity's sake, it is best to just explicitly set the Router ID for the OSPF Instance.

I will do a complete HOWTO on setting up a new RouterOS 7 box Some Time Soon™.

Upgrading from RouterOS 6 to RouterOS 7

Upgrading the router from RouterOS 6 to RouterOS 7 is clean and relatively painless. To perform the upgrade you may first have to upgrade to the latest stable or long term version of RouterOS 6. Then in System Packages do Check For Updates and select the upgrade channel. Click Download&Install which should take you to the latest stable version of RouterOS 7 which was 7.10.2 at the time of writing. Upgrading the RouterBOARD firmware requires a second reboot.

If you do not use OSPF or Recursive Routing, upgrading to RouterOS 7 does not require any further action. Static routes, VPNs and the like should work as before. The only known problem reported by James KI0KN is that on the CCR2004 router which uses the ARM64 architecture, VPNs die after a few minutes. The cause of this is not known at this time but my guess is that it is a bug in the 64 bit implementation of RouterOS. No other routers have been reported to have this issue.

If you use OSPF and/or Recursive Routes, your adventure continues. The following problems occur during upgrading:

Fixing OSPF

First, add a new filter by selecting Routing Filters and then clicking the blue + to add a new rule

The rule is somewhat long to enter so it may best be done from the command line

/routing filter rule add chain=ospf-rmham disabled=no rule="if (dst in || dst in || dst in && not dst in {accept} else {reject}"

This rule selects only the specific subnets we want to route, i.e., and excluding 192.168.[0-3].0/24. This could be written as a sequence of rules, but doing it as a single rule makes managing it using DevDB easier.

Next we update the OSPF Instance by clicking Routing OSPF, selecting the Instances tab and double clicking the default-v2 instance which is what the OSPFv2 instance would be called.

Make the OSPF Instance look like the above image, except that the Router ID should be the address of the bridge on your router.

Click Apply or OK to save.

You can now return to the Routing Filters and remove any old ospf-in and ospf-out rules since they are no longer useful.

Note that in RouterOS 7, you do not need to tell OSPF that you want it to distribute specific subnets. (In an earlier writeup, I had incorrectly suggested that you do that with Area Ranges but this is wrong so do not do that.) All the routing types you indicate on the OSPF Instance will be distributed unless the Routing Filters prohibit it. Using the ospf-rmham filter for both the In Filter and Out Filter makes sure that the router distributes and accepts only the routes we select. It is therefore no longer necessary to add a specific filter to hide your WAN.

Fixing OSPF Interface Templates

An important difference between RouterOS 6 and RouterOS 7 is that in RouterOS 7, an OSPF neighbor relationship is not established across a link unless you explicitly allow it using an OSPF Interface Template.

When upgrading, RouterOS will create templates for adjacent neighbors connected via a microwave link, but not for VPN connections. The templates are very similar. To add a template for the VPN, simply click the blue + on the OSPF Interface Templates tab to create a new template. For the existing templates, double-click on it.


The critical settings that must be present are:

I think the defaults work for pretty much everything else. Check back often since I may change my mind.

OSPF Interface Templates by Subnet

At a site like Thorodin where there are many VPN connections, it is a chore set up an Interface Template for every VPN connection. RouterOS 7 provides an alternative that can be applied to all connections on a subnet.

As shown in the above image, instead of selecting specific interfaces, you can set the OSPF link properties for all interfaces in that subnet. Note that in this instance the Interfaces setting is blank and the Networks is set to the VPN subnet. This sets the Network Type and Cost for all the VPN connections.

A huge advantage of this approach is that is obviates the need to create a static interfaces for each VPN. If for some VPN connection you want to use a different weight, you can create another OSPF Interface Template that explicitly references that connection, which must, of course, be static. It appears that when the Interfaces is set, that overrides the network setting.

The same technique can also be used to assign the weight for all ethernet interfaces using, for example, the subnet. However, my inclination is to use this technique only for VPNs and retain the ability to steer traffic by link by having an interface for each ethernet connection.

Fixing Recursive Routes

In a Recursive Route, we use a target beyond the router to decide whether to send traffic to that gateway router. This helps to ensure connectivity beyond the gateway router exists.

In RouterOS 7 the concepts in Recursive Routes remain the same as in RouterOS 6, but the implementation is slightly different. The upgrade script will cause this default route to be unreachable if it was set using the previous recommendation. So you need to update this manually as shown below:

  1. Set a route via the relevant gateway to a reliable remote target. In the above we use as the remote target and the gateway
  2. The critical setting is that the Scope should be a low value. Use 10 unless you know what you are doing. This will automatically set the Target Scope to 10 also. The Distance should be 1.
  3. Now set up the default route using as as the gateway.
  4. Set Check Gateway to ping. This will ping every 10 seconds to make sure it is reachable.
  5. The critical setting is that the Target Scope should be a greater than the of the first route. Here I used 11. The default Scope of the default route is not important and will default to 30. The Distance should be set that is it smaller than the alternative default route, so 2 is a good value.
Since we now filter by inclusion rather than exclusion, it is no longer necessary to add a routing filter to cull the routes introduced by recursive routing.

Miscellaneous Observations

Here are a few things I found that doesn't fit anywhere else.


Based on these experiments, the recommendation is to gradually transition to RouterOS 7, with the following caveats:
  1. VPNs on the CCR2004 does not seem to work. This may be a bug in the ARM64 implementation of RouterOS 7. This device requires RouterOS 7 so avoid using this particular model for now.
  2. Remote upgrades are always risky and should be avoided. I've been lucky so far but don't poke the bear. Difficult to access site should probably wait until next season.
  3. I have not yet started upgrading radios. Check back here for a recommendation
  4. I think RouterOS 7 has definite advantages over RouterOS 6, not even considering new features such as WireGuard and Zerotier for RouterOS. However, I still need to convince myself that RouterOS 7 has reached the level of maturity of RouterOS 6.
So upgrade with care, but remember our motto: D.F.I.U.