San Luis Valley Well and Water-Level Database

Prepared by Davis Engineering Service, Inc.
Principia Mathematica, Inc.

Updated on Mon Mar 10 06:33:39 PM MDT 2025


NOTICE: Well information and water level data on this site were combined from data obtained from several agencies in an attempt to have the latest and most complete information. As such, all data in the site should be considered provisional. The information presented here is periodically changed to reflect updates made by the source agencies and/or corrections as problems with the data are identified. Please report all problems with the data or web site to wells@prinmath.com.

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Note: As of May 15, 2007, all location data are in NAD83 and elevation data are in NAVD88.

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Well GroupMethodAdditional Information
Rio Grande Water Conservation District WellsMapListHydrographsField Forms
RGWCD Confined Aquifer WellsMapListHydrographs 
Baca WellsMapListHydrographs 
Divide Study WellsMapListHydrographs 
Conejos WCD WellsMapListHydrographs 
Upper Rio Grande WellsMapListHydrographs 
DWR Confined WellsMapListHydrographs 
US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) WellsMapListHydrographs 
Sand Dunes Hydrologic Study WellsMapListHydrographs 
Great Sand Dunes National Park Boundary WellsMapListHydrographs 
US Geological Survey (USGS) WellsMapListHydrographsHydrogeologic and Construction Data
Recently Monitored WellsMapListHydrographs 
Unconfined WellsMapListHydrographsContour Maps and Contour Map Comparison
Confined WellsMapListHydrographs