3.0 Spatial Data

Information has been assembled, evaluated and as a consequence graphical images have been created to present spatial information under separate topic categories. These categories serve useful purposes in the context of analyzing the model. Figure 3-1 depicts the area of concern within South Park and its topographic relief. This information was extracted from the three-arc-second Digital Elevation Model (DEM) created by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and publicly available in electronic form. It was also extracted from the USGS' 1:100,000 series Digital Line Graphs (DLG) also publicly available in electronic form. The relevant ground surface features within the area of concern extracted from these DLG, including streams, are illustrated in Figure 3-2.

The horizontal extent of the Applicant's ground water model domain located within the area of concern, as depicted by the Applicant, is illustrated in Figure 3-3. Principia's evaluation of the USGS' DLG information and that representing the model's horizontal extent, indicated that they do not correspond exactly. From data supplied to the model, the horizontal extent of the model is known to be exactly 144,000 feet in a north-south direction and 54,000 feet in an east-west direction. The ArcView GIS files produced by the Applicant depict the model domain as shown in magenta color in Figure 3-3. However, the dimensions of the domain as shown in the GIS files using UTM coordinates do not match the size of domain as represented in the model. In order to display the Applicant's modelling information using a global coordinate system, the Colorado Central State Plane Coordinates (CCSPC) will be employed on the domain shown in black in Figure 3-3. This domain matches precisely that which was specified in the model input data as the domain size.

A base map of the domain showing the boundary of the Sportsmen's ranch property is included as Figure 3-4. Ground surface features so assembled have been superimposed, wherever appropriate, upon graphical images of the results created by analyzing the Applicant's modelling.

Index | Introduction | Information Reviewed | Spatial Data | Framework | Framework Supplement | Calibration | Calibration Supplement | Predictions | Predictions Supplement | Surface Water | Findings | Findings Supplement | Glossary | Figures
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